Hoffman's Little Acres
is located in Central Illinois in a small rural community called Fairbury. Which is smack dab in the middle between Chicago, Watseka, Champaign, Bloomington/Normal, and Peoria. Less than 1-2 hours of each location.
**Please text Anna, 309-530-4381 to set up your first milk pickup**
Permit #15004. Facility #14757.
Tips when you arrive:
Please don’t walk or drive over to the neighbors, we do not own those calves or property.
No wandering the farm. Also, poop happens, watch your step ;)
PARKING: Please pull up to the farmstore. Don’t block the driveway or park behind other vehicles.
No chasing animals.
Beware, there is electric fence!
Don’t let Copper jump on you! He can be a naughty boy :(
We work off-farm jobs also, please text to see if we have what you need :)
We accept cash or checks. Card by appointment.
Since our cell service is a little spotty out here, texting is the best way to get a hold of me. If you prefer to call, please leave a message I will return your call ASAP!
Or use the form below or email with any questions and to set up your first milk pick up saabkj@hoffmanslittleacres.com
Say "Hello" to Penny and Copper on your way in!
Candy ready to go shopping.