Why RAW milk still 'Does a Body Good'
Remember the milk you used to have at your grandparent’s house?
Did they tell stories about milking their cow ‘Bessie’ and how delicious her milk was?
We had a cow named Bessie, coincidence?
I think not!
Maybe you thought you could never drink milk again since store-bought milk messes with your stomach.
Why are more and more people becoming ‘lactose intolerant’, and may have Crohn's disease, IBS, or eczema..?
You have a sneaking suspicion (like us) that there’s a reason your great-grandparents didn't have all the digestive issues that people have nowadays.
Today's foods are not the same as when our grandparents grew up.
Milk, for example - Pasteurized milk from the store has been heat treated to kill bacteria.
Pasteurization doesn’t just kill bad bacteria, it also destroys:
GOOD bacteria
lowers vitamin content - destroying vitamins C, B12, & B6
promotes other pathogens
Pasteurization, along with Homogenization, changes the proteins into something our body doesn't recognize.
Making your body go into ‘attack’ mode, causing things such as:
ulcerative colitis
acid reflux
skin issues
diarrhea... Shall I go on?
Whereas Raw milk is straight from the cow, fresh, not pasteurized, non-homogenized goodness.
Malibu and Candy, our first 2 Jerseys
It's actually a whole food, not a beverage, with a very high nutritional value containing essential amino acids.
But raw milk has gotten a bad rap from long ago.
In the early 19th century, when more people started moving into urban settings and leaving the small farming homesteads, confinement dairy operations became more common.
On top of that, the US alcohol distillery business was growing. Large amounts of swill (spent grains) were produced as a by-product.
Many of the distilleries and dairies were in close proximity so they could feed their dairy cows swill, instead of ‘wasting’ it.
Well, swill WAS waste.
The low nutritional value of the swill, on top of the cows crammed together in dirty feed-lots, lead to sickness in the cows and the people who drank their milk :'(mostly babies)!
So pasteurization was invented to kill all the bacteria in the milk.
Raw milk from healthy, well-taken-care-of cows, is the perfect food.
All of the above-mentioned ‘good stuff’ destroyed during pasteurization is still alive and well in raw milk.
Often times people who are allergic to milk, or lactose intolerant, can still enjoy real raw milk.
Malibu is our oldest cow, 11 yrs old!!
Brownie is my rescue cow and all her calves have been the sweetest babies. Can’t wait to see how those minis produce!
We have customers that swear by it! Helping with things like:
Stomach problems, etc...
It's delicious! And has a thick cream line (healthy fat separation) that can be swirled back into the milk.
Or skimmed off to make other good-for-you foods, like butter, whipped cream, or ice cream!
Ready to give raw milk a try?
We have a waiting list until around June when a couple cows will calve.
Contact us, we're happy to help!
Remember, RAW milk does a body good!